TGS Insurance Agency in the Community
The company hosts periodic blood drives and donates time and money to a variety of charities, churches and non-profit organizations (including ALS, Cancer charities, Toys for Tots, the Houston Food Bank and many, many more).
We’ve been blessed as an organization, and feel that sharing those blessings with the community is vital. We encourage employees to participate in events and donate money, when they are able, and often top off the effort with company matching. We are proud to be part of the Houston community and encourage everyone to get involved or donate to local and national efforts.
We are so proud of our employees who embrace Community, and love to see The Go Solution active in local efforts. Here are just some of the ways TGS Insurance Agency, BillAdvisor, and The Go Solution have contributed to the community in the past.

Here are Some of the Charities that We Have Worked With:

Our employees walked and ran for Maddie’s Mission – CMV Awareness. The “Save a Baby Today” race was held in Katy, TX to help raise awareness about CMV and funds for CMV research. CMV is a common virus that is harmless to most people, but can cause disability when passed to an unborn child. CMV is the most common congenital viral infection in the United States, according to the CDC.

Our employees generously donated blood and platelets during a blood drive hosted onsite at the office, benefiting Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. Damon Diamantaras, our CEO, said “Our ability to rise up and adhere to our corporate value of Community says a lot about the people that work in this organization. We saved 78 lives with the donations, and that’s a true sense of giving back.”

Work. Play. Run.
In support of Firefighters Helping Firefighters, TGS Insurance Agency and The Go Solution participated in the 2014 Rudolph 5k Fun Run. “Firefighters Helping Firefighters” is a group of firefighters who established a non-profit organization with the goal of financially assisting injured firefighters and the families who are burdened with issues and obstacles. This may include medical expenses, services needed while hospitalized (food, hotel, home maintenance, etc.), retrofitting a home for handicap accessibility, in-home care, living expenses and more.

Raised funds for clothing and back-to-school necessities. “When the children arrive at the shelter with their family, they’re in a crisis situation, often experiencing trauma and uncertainty,” said Star of Hope President and CEO, Hank Rush. “As we all remember, the first day of school can be traumatic in its own right. We try to make their transitions as smooth as possible by providing them with everything they need to blend in with their classmates.”

For over 35 years, the Houston Area Women’s Center has worked relentlessly to help survivors affected by domestic and sexual violence build lives free from the effects of violence. TGS Insurance Agency and The Go Solution has been proud to support the Houston Area Women’s Center annual Holiday Gift Express for the past couple of years. Through generous and employee donations, we have helped make the holiday season for women and children affected by domestic and sexual violence.