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Brookside Village, TX

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Brookside Village

Brookside Village Home Insurance Made Easy: We Shop. You Save.


Comparison Shop Home Insurance in Brookside Village, TX from Multiple Carriers in Minutes! 


Only 44% of homeowners comparison shop for insurance and only 17% of homeowners compare prices online when their insurance policy is up for renewal. The primary reason many people state for not shopping around is how time-consuming and tedious shopping and comparing insurance rates can be. We hear you and that is why with TGS Insurance, we do all the work for you! We shop across 35+ highly-rated insurance companies to find you a policy that fits your needs and budget. Shopping for homeowners insurance has never been easier!


How Much Does Brookside Village Homeowners Insurance Cost?


The average cost for homeowners insurance in Brookside Village, TX is $1,226 annually. Our customers in Texas save an average of $870 each year on their homeowners insurance when they switch to TGS Insurance!


Calculating Premiums for Home Insurance in Brookside Village, TX


Each insurance provider has its own formula to calculate your home premium, but all of their formulas have the same metric in mind: determing how much risk they’ll take on when insuring your property. Though each carrier’s formula is different, there are a few common factors that most carriers use which include: 


The Amount of Coverage

A simple way to determine how much coverage you need is to calculate how much it would cost to completely replace your home to its current value at the time of its destruction. If you are seeking more coverage, then you’ll usually pay more in premiums.


Size, Materials, Condition, and Age of Your Home

Typically, if your home is built from wood, is older than 25+ years, or is poorly maintained your premium tends to be higher than houses that are newer or made from brick. The reason for this is insurers are looking at stability during a fire or named peril such as a hurricane. 



Homes located in areas that are prone to natural disasters or experience high crime rates tend to have a higher premium because these homeowners are more likely to file a claim. Factors like how close you are to bodies of water and where the nearest fire station is also plays a role. 


How To Get Lower Homeowners Insurance Premiums

  • Having A High Credit Score- Homeowners who have a poor credit score usually have to pay higher premiums than homeowners with a good credit score.
  • Security Devices- Installing a security system, motion sensor lights, surveillance camera, or even having a fire extinguisher in your home are all ways you can lower your premium.
  • Deductible Amount- If you raise your deductible it can lower your premium by 25%. But keep in mind, if you do that it’s more money you’ll have to pay out-of-pocket before insurance will kick in.


How Much is Flood Insurance in Brookside Village?


On average, Texas homeowners pay about $634 each year for flood insurance, but the price depends on where you live. Brookside Village, TX is located south of Houston, where our TGS Insurance customers pay about $518 annually, which means we are saving them about $116 every year on flood insurance each year under the Texas average! 

Do I Need Brookside Village Flood Insurance?


Though Brookside Village, TX is not located right along the Texas coastline or near any major bodies of water, homeowners should still consider a flood insurance policy to cover any gaps in coverage. The city gets over 53 inches of rain per year which is more than 23 inches over the U.S. average! It’s important to keep in mind that just one inch of water in your home can cause on average $25,000 in damages and without the right flood policy, you’ll be left with the bill. 

Houston homeowners are no strangers to severe hurricanes or storms that have caused catastrophic flooding, including Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Beta, and the Tax Day Flood just to name a few. All of these storms are encouraging reasons why Brookside Village, TX homeowners should purchase a flood insurance policy. 

Zip Codes in Brookside Village, TX We Serve:

  • 77581

Don’t see your zip code listed? Don’t worry, as long as it’s in Texas, we’ve got you covered!

Home Insurance Carriers in Brookside Village, TX

Allied Trust logo
Allstate logo
American Modern logo
Amwins logo
Aon Edge logo
Appalachian Underwriters logo
ARI logo
ASI logo
Attune logo
Bankers Insurance Group logo
Bass Underwriters logo
Berkshire Hathaway GUARD logo
Branch logo
Bristol West logo
Burns & Wilcox logo
Centauri logo
Collectibles Insurance Services logo
Commonwealth logo
Elephant logo
Encompass logo
Foremost logo
FrankCrum logo
Gainsco logo
Geico logo
Hallmark logo
Hippo logo
Homeowners of America logo
IAT Flood logo
Infinity a Kemper Company logo
Jewelers Mutual Group logo
Kemper Auto logo
Lemonade logo
Mercury logo
Mission Select logo
National General logo
National Summit logo
Nationwide logo
Neptune Flood logo logo
Progressive logo
Roamly logo
Safeco logo
SafePoint logo
SageSure logo
State Auto logo
Swyfft logo
Texas Mutual logo
Travelers logo
USLI logo
Wellington logo

TGS Insurance is Brookside Village's Premier Home Insurance Provider

Brookside Village neighborhood

Brookside Village is a suburb in Houston located in Brazoria County. Brookside provides its 1,588 residents with a rural-like environment, but still not too far from the downtown attractions. TGS Insurance is one of Brookside Villages largest home insurance providers.

Brookside Village neighborhood

TGS Insurance provides home insurance in Brookside Village from dozens of different carriers. Brookside Village customers all want the same thing - the best home insurance policy at the lowest price. As an independent company with thousands of customers, 35+ carriers and amazing customer service, we win business from Brookside Village residents every single day.

Key Home Statistics in Brookside Village


Total Population in Brookside Village, TX


Average Home Value in Brookside Village, TX


Median Household Income in Brookside Village, TX


Median Age in Brookside Village, TX

Trust TGS Insurance in Brookside Village

Data as of February 07, 2025



$10.1 B

Total Assets Covered Projected


Total Homes Insured


Total Vehicles Insured