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With TGS Insurance, Finding The Right Lubbock Home Insurance Policy is as Easy as 1-2-3


The Cost of Lubbock, TX Home Insurance

Homeowners insurance is unique to you and your home’s specifications and needs and will likely be different from other homeowners. Keeping that in mind, let’s look at average annual home insurance premiums:


  • National average1: $2,305
  • Texas average1: $3,429
  • Lubbock, TX average: $2,617

TGS Insurance customers in Lubbock, TX pay an average of $1,121 per year for homeowners insurance. That’s an average annual savings of $1,496 compared to the city average! 

While your home insurance rates can (and likely will) differ from the averages, these are a good benchmark for understanding what others in your area are paying. It can help to see where your home premiums lie and some of the various factors you can change. Every carrier looks at specific criteria when determining the cost of your insurance. While some elements are outside of your control, there are many factors that you can control. Here are some of the carrier rating factors used by various carriers:

  • Weather (is your area prone to severe weather such as tornadoes, hail, or flooding?) 
  • Local crime rates
  • Your claims history
  • The coverages you select 
  • Your credit score (the lower your score is, the higher your rate will be)
  • The year, construction type, and square footage of your home
  • Discounts you may qualify for (do you have a home security system? are you bundling with another policy?)

A TGS Insurance agent can help narrow down your home coverage search by running quotes with multiple carriers at once (in 15 seconds!). This will ensure you’re getting the best pricing and the individualized coverage you need without all the hassle.

Protecting Your Home in a Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather

Unfortunately, weather-related claims and natural disasters are a part of life meaning homeowners insurance is crucial for protecting your property. If a catastrophic event occurs, your home policy needs to have sufficient coverage. The right home insurance policy could mean the difference between whether or not a claim is paid. Some of Lubbock, TX’s natural disasters are unavoidable and having the right home insurance to cover the unavoidable is simple with the help of an independent insurance agent from TGS Insurance.

Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather in Lubbock, TX: 

  • Number of extreme weather events (1950-2010)2: 3,333
  • Most common event (1950-2010)2: Hail (2,039)
  • Number of tornadoes stronger than or equal to F2 (1950-2010)2: 81


Common Home Insurance Questions from Our Customers In Lubbock, TX


Are homeowners insurance rates going up?


Yes, due to the many extreme weather patterns we have seen including powerful tornadoes, wildfires, and destructive hurricanes, we have seen an increase in homeowners insurance rates year after year. This is why it is so important for homeowners to purchase the right coverage today as opposed to waiting as rates continue to rise.


Does homeowners insurance cover tree damage?


If the damage is caused by a covered peril then your homeowners insurance will cover it; however, if the damage is due to another peril that is not covered in your homeowners insurance, then you will need additional coverage to stay protected. Windstorm coverage and personal liability can help pay for tree damage should a tree fall on your property or damage another person’s property beyond their insurance’s policy limit. It should be noted that if a tree falls on your neighbor’s property, typically their homeowners insurance will pick up the bill. Speaking with your insurance agent to better understand your policy and the coverages you need will help understand how you are covered more thoroughly as every home is different.


Can you get homeowners insurance with bad credit?


Yes, while bad credit will mean that you will likely see higher insurance premiums each month, you can still receive homeowners insurance. Working on your credit can help improve your insurance score (which considers your credit) and provide a cheaper home insurance premium down the line.


Our Local, Independent Agents Ready to Help You With Your Lubbock, TX Homeowners Insurance:

At TGS Insurance Agency, we take pride in our commitment to work closely with each client to find the right insurance solution for their needs. We also provide next-level customer service that gives the policies and packages that we sell more value- including regular policy reviews to make sure that you continue to receive the best rate on the market year after year.

Zip Codes in Lubbock, TX That We Insure:


Don’t see your zip code listed? Don’t worry, as long as it’s in Texas, we’ve got you covered!



Home Insurance Carriers in Lubbock, TX

Allied Trust logo
Allstate logo
American Modern logo
Amwins logo
Annex Insurance logo
Aon Edge logo
Appalachian Underwriters logo
ARI logo
ASI logo
Attune logo
Bankers Insurance Group logo
Bass Underwriters logo
Berkshire Hathaway GUARD logo
Branch logo
Bristol West logo
Burns & Wilcox logo
Centauri logo
Collectibles Insurance Services logo
Commonwealth logo
CoverTree logo
Edison Insurance logo
Elephant logo
Encompass logo
Florida Peninsula Insurance Company logo
Foremost logo
FrankCrum logo
Gainsco logo
Geico logo
GeoVera Insurance logo
Hallmark logo
Hippo logo
Homeowners of America logo
IAT Flood logo
Infinity a Kemper Company logo
Jewelers Mutual Group logo
Johnson & Johnson Insurance logo
Kemper Auto logo
Lemonade logo
Loggerhead Insurance logo
Mercury logo
Mile Auto logo
Mission Select logo
National General logo
National Summit logo
Nationwide logo
Neptune Flood logo
Obie Insurance logo
Orange Insurance Exchange logo
Orchid Insurance logo
Ovation Home Insurance Exchange logo logo
Progressive logo
Roamly logo
Safeco logo
SafePoint logo
SageSure logo
Savvi Insurance logo
Slide Insurance logo
State Auto logo
Swyfft logo
Texas Mutual logo
Travelers logo
USLI logo
Wellington logo
Wright Flood logo

TGS Insurance is Lubbock's Premier Home Insurance Provider

Lubbock neighborhood

Lubbock, TX is located in northwest Texas and is home to Texas Tech University. It’s originally known for a thriving farming industry and today the city embraces West Texas culture with a modern touch. Lubbock, TX is the hub for award-winning wineries, art exhibits, live music, and theatrical performances.

Lubbock neighborhood

At TGS Insurance, we only work with the best insurance providers, which is why Lubbock, TX residents can always expect a great homeowners insurance policy at a low rate! As an independent agency with thousands of customers, 35+ carriers, and exceptional customer service, we win business from Lubbock, TX homeowners every day.

Key Home Statistics in Lubbock


Total Population in Lubbock, TX


Average Home Value in Lubbock, TX


Median Household Income in Lubbock, TX


Median Age in Lubbock, TX

Trust TGS Insurance in Lubbock

Data as of March 26, 2025



$10.1 B

Total Assets Covered Projected


Total Homes Insured


Total Vehicles Insured

Major Neighborhoods in Lubbock, TX

Image of Parkway and Cherry Point Neighborhood

Parkway and Cherry Point

Residents of Parkway and Cherry Point can enjoy pelnty of shops and eateries as well as a close proximity to recrational activities at Mackenzie Park and a short drive from the airport.

Image of Maxey Park Neighborhood

Maxey Park

Homeowners located near Maxey Park can enjoy a vibrant, recreational lifestyle and are located near Lubbock's Medical District. Maxey Park is also only a short drive from Texas Tech.

Image of Dunbar-Manhattan Heights Neighborhood

Dunbar-Manhattan Heights

Located in the eastside of Lubbock, Dunbar-Manhattan Heights is a great place to enjoy easy access to downtown but a tranquil connection featuring features such as the Dunbar Historical Lake and multiple parks.

Local Home Resources in Lubbock, TX

Police Departments
Lubbock County Sheriff811 Main St
Lubbock, TX 79499
Lubbock County SheriffPo Box 10536
Lubbock, TX 79408
Lubbock County Sheriff AcademyPo Box 10539
Lubbock, TX 79408
Lubbock Police AcademyPo Box 2000
Lubbock, TX 79457
Lubbock Police Dept916 Texas Ave
Lubbock, TX 79499
Lubbock Police DeptPO Box 2000
Lubbock, TX 79499
Lubbock Police DeptPo Box 2000
Lubbock, TX 79457
Lubbock Police Dept-NarcoticsPO Box 2000
Lubbock, TX 79499
Lubbock Police Records DivPO Box 2000
Lubbock, TX 79499
Lubbock Police Records DivPo Box 2000
Lubbock, TX 79457