Fulshear Auto Insurance
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, the city of Fulshear has seen over a 300% increase in annual car accidents since 2010. With the roads becoming more congested and dangerous, having Fulshear auto insurance is legally and ethically necessary if you want to keep yourself, your passengers, other drivers, and pedestrians safe.
Fulshear Auto Insurance: The Basics
Drivers in Fulshear spend an average of 36.6 minutes daily and over 3 hours each work week behind the wheel of their vehicle for commuting purposes alone. With so much reliance on personal vehicles in the city, it’s crucial to ensure you have proper car coverage so that you are covered in the event of an accident. In Texas, you are required to carry liability auto insurance with 30/60/25 minimum coverage limits. Liability insurance only provides financial assistance to pay for damages or injuries to other vehicles or drivers in an accident that you cause. If you carry only liability insurance, any repairs to your vehicle will come out of pocket for you. Carrying only liability insurance, especially at the minimum coverage limits, is a considerable financial risk; because of this risk, less than 0.20% of auto policies that we write in Texas are for minimum liability only. For drivers seeking coverage that provides financial protection should anything happen to their own vehicle, regardless of fault, collision and comprehensive coverages can be added. Other popular optional coverages include:
- Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
- Medical payments coverage
- Personal injury protection (PIP)
- Rental reimbursement coverage
- New car replacement coverage
How Much Does Car Insurance Cost in Fulshear?
The average cost of insurance in Fulshear is $1,022.04 per year among TGS Insurance customers. Auto insurance rates can vary significantly due to several particulars, based on your vehicle, location, and the coverage you choose, among many other things. Below is an example of some factors that influence your premium and how they do so.
- Age/Driving Experience: Young drivers will pay the most for car insurance because their lack of experience behind the wheel equates to a higher risk. Typically, rates will decline with experience after the age of 25 and then start increasing again after 60.
- Driving history: Car insurance providers look at your driving history to accurately predict your driving future. If you have a history riddled with speeding tickets, you will be paying for it.
- Credit Score: Drivers with excellent credit may see considerably better rates than those with poor credit.
- Vehicle: Insurance for a brand-new car will be more expensive because it will be more expensive to fix and/or replace than an older car. The value of your car itself also plays into your premium for the same reasons.
- Annual Mileage: Statistically, the more time drivers spend on the road, the more likely they will have an accident, so higher annual mileage can mean higher premiums.
- Location: Insurance providers consider many things regarding your location, such as vandalism, theft, and accident rates in the area and where you park your car (in a garage versus in a street or outside exposed to the elements). Urban drivers who park on the street often see higher rates than those who live in a more rural area and park in the garage.
How Does Location Affect Car Insurance Rates in Fulshear?
Similar to homeowners insurance, location is an important factor in determining your auto insurance rates in Fulshear. If your neighborhood has a higher rate of theft than the neighborhood a few blocks down, your rates will be higher. If there is a higher than the average number of uninsured motorists in your area, your rates will be higher. If auto insurance companies identify anything in your area that might make your vehicle riskier to insure, you will see that reflected in your premium. Likewise, there are things you can do, like parking your car in a garage or covered area versus the street, that can help reduce your premium. Because carriers get so granular with risk evaluations, rates can vary greatly- even within the same city.
Best Fulshear Auto Insurance Companies
Knowing who will give you a good rate in your area is a big part of choosing your car insurance. Among TGS customers, the most popular carrier in Fulshear is Progressive. The average premium with Progressive is $1,088.97. Other popular carriers are Travelers and Safeco. Choosing a carrier is more than just the price; here at TGS, we know that is a factor.
Finding Affordable Fulshear Auto Insurance Is Easier Than You Think.
Looking for car insurance can be tedious, boring, and overwhelming… you name it, we’ve heard it. And we agree! That’s why TGS Insurance Agency is dedicated to doing the heavy lifting for you, instantly comparing quotes from 35+ A-rated (or better) carriers to find you the best possible price in your area without compromising coverage. We can provide you with your initial quote within 15 seconds with just your name and address. From there, if you would like to customize your policy, any of our dedicated independent agents are ready to work for you to create a policy that covers everything you need. We shop. You Save. Yes, it really is that easy.
Every driver is unique. Insurance premium costs are impacted by several factors; therefore, we recommend obtaining an individualized quote to find your rates. Our data is representative of quality, publicly sourced, and internal data, but should not be deciphered as bindable.

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